
PM-160 Information Only Form Reporting?

CHDP GATEWAYis a web-based and cloud-based “software as a service” (SaaS) portal. It enables the Anthem Medi-Cal Managed Care providers to enter PM-160 Information Only data through the portal. This online portal replaces paper PM-160 Information Only forms with an electronic workflow solution.
The portal combines various Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) -compliant health care protocols, interfaces and platforms. This solution workflow is designed to reduce costs, improve communications and optimize the PM-160 Information Only submission process for providers.
  • Providers can use this website tosubmit PM-160 Information Only data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • This new process relieves the provider of reporting this data to the appropriate county CHDP Program; 4eGuru will report this data to the county and state, and Anthem will report the data to L.A. Care

Access to Records
  • To access your records, please click on the following link: [insert link]

Data Backup and Security
  • This website is hosted on a secure encrypted server
  • 4eGuru provides automatic daily data backup to keep your patients’ data and your transactions secure

Account Setup
  • You must first register with CHDP GATEWAY to create a free account. To register, [click here].
  • Once you register, you can upload individual Anthem Medi-Cal/CHDP members’ demographic data to your account or you can submit batch files of your Anthem Medi-Cal/CHDP members’ demographic data, which will be uploaded to your account by 4eGuru.
  • Once the members’ demographic information is loaded, it will be prepopulatedon their futurePM-160 Information Only forms
  • For more information, please call 4eGuru at 1-408-945-1049

  • News
  • October 1, 2015

    ICD-10 Implementation and Compliance Guideline:
    a. For On/After October 1, 2015 date of service (DOS) Use ICD-10 code on both PM160/CHDP and CMS-1500 (HCFA) forms.

    b. Before October 1, 2015 date of service (DOS) use ICD-9 code on both PM160/CHDP and CMS-1500 (HCFA) form. Learn More